The bottom line versus integrity

Richard Brekne
Fri, 08 Jun 2001 17:31:46 +0200

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> "Kevin E. Ramsey" wrote:
>>     The point is; for what do we work? Some people are in the
>> business for the bottom line only. That's all they care about;(
>> and I'm not talking about piano technicians here.) All they care
>> about is how much money they can get for the least amount of
>> effort.  (snip)     The price on my integrity is so high, that
>> I'll probably die and be buried in a paupers grave like Mozart.
>> The blame belongs to my parents who taught me right from wrong.

According to Peter Schaffer Mozart died a pauper because he was a
political and social idiot. The fellow rode into Vienna and took the
place by storm... then proceeded to alientate himself from his
father, get completly outmanuvered by a few bumbling buearucrates
that didnt like his style, and destroyed by a third rate court
composer who was jeoulous of his talent and felt cheated by God.

But then Petter Schaffer was just a writer... grin

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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