The bottom line versus integrity

Fri, 8 Jun 2001 08:38:10 EDT

Kevin writes: 
<< The point is; for what do we work? 

For money, when possible.  
For love, when there is no money
For "The greater good" when there is no love or money to be had

>>Some people are in the business
> for the bottom line only. All they care about is how much
> money they can get for the least amount of effort.  (snip) 

     In  truth, I do not seek additional effort for any given amount of pay, 
I do care about how much time is required for a dollar.  This is a necessary 

> price on my integrity is so high, that I'll probably die and be buried
> in a paupers grave like Mozart. The blame belongs to my parents who
> taught me right from wrong.>>

   Anybody can starve to death on principle, that is the easy way(though a 
bit rocky there at the end).  The trick is to learn how to make an ethical 
position be worth something.  I have known wealthy crooks and starving 
saints, and there is certainly a way to thread a moderate path between the 
two without compromising one's integrity.  We should all be able to profit 
from one another's experience in this field, it just takes a little 
Ed Foote RPT 

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