Walters grand noises

Jeannie Grassi
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 08:17:51 -0700

Thanks, for the suggestion.  That is usually one of the first places I look
for action noise, but the felt was nice and soft.  It did not change the
noise factor when it was prodded or compressed.  I wish it had been that


-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Of Howard S. Rosen
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 5:02 AM
To: Pianotech
Subject: Walters grand noises

<!--StartFragment-->Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 17:20:26 -0700
From: "Jeannie Grassi" <>
Subject: RE: Noisy action

I did check most of the things on your list, but you mentioned a few I might
want to examine more closely.  This actually made noise in my lap, too.  The
overall impression I got was that the key frame was too flimsy for that was
going on above top of it!  Does this make sense?  I'm not sure what hammers
were on it.  I think I mentioned it was a Renner action, but I haven't
looked at any specs yet to find out what kind of hammers Walter is using.
It certainly surprised me to find the back rail cloth glued on wrong.


Hi Jeannie,

Regarding Roger's #1 noise maker suggestion (jack button felt too hard upon
return), you can quickly and easily test this as a possible cause, by
needling the felt to soften it. It's a tight place to get to so I use my
homemade single needle tool I made to voice hammers through the strings
without removing the action. It's a chopstick with one needle glued into the
end. I'm not certain that this is a permanent repair but you can check
things out with this procedure and if the diagnosis is correct, you can then
opt to replace all those felt buttons.

Howard S. Rosen, RPT
7262 Angel Falls Ct.
Boynton Beach, Fl  33437

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