Noisy action

Jon Page
Thu, 07 Jun 2001 07:49:44 -0400

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At 07:23 PM 06/06/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Jeannie -
>Suggestion: please check to see that there is adequate side pressure of the
>damper wire against the damper guide rail bushing. This is an overlooked
>(but frequent) cause of rattling noises.

Also a cause for sluggish or ineffective damping.

>One interesting way to check is to pull the action, lift the underlever 
>with your finger, .
>and let it drop back.The wire can rattle in the bushing noticeably.

Replace the bushing rather than induce drag into the system. Don't take a 
production short-cut to be technologically optimal.

Check the archives for damper work. There are detailed procedures in the 
from Roger Jolly and myself.

As for the action noise, check the height of the jack in the repetition 
lever. Stiff knuckles will also
cause noise, try voicing the knuckle. A overly compressed or hard jack rest 
felt is another
concern, needle those a bit; jack springs which are too strong will be 
exerting excess force
causing this as well.

Happy Hunting,

Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.
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