
Ron Nossaman
Wed, 06 Jun 2001 22:43:39 -0500

>	Anyone out there got a pair of candelabra for an old upright laying
>around? You know.... like we find on mainly European turn-of-the-century
>birdcages etc.
>	The customer is a F-117 pilot. 
>	Kinda figgers he would own an old Bausensteinermeisterframmen, dontcha think?
>	Lives in a cabin hidden in the mountains, too. Stealth home.

Seems like, perhaps, his heart really isn't in what he does for a living???
Steely eyed killer in the sky with feet of soul and all that. Be that as it
may, this looks like a job for the Handsome Hardwood Caster Cup and Custom
Crafted Bracket Meister - James Grebe. He can whip you up a personalized
aerospace solution (incidentally, them's called lamp brackets, and if
anyone can make a pair of prettys, he can) that will dazzle the bejeebers
out of the AT&F troops that eventually ferret out your customer's domicile
- hot tips notwithstanding. I'm not sure if Jim's stuff is bulletproof, but
it's worth looking into the "lines of communication and negotiated
surrender" option, just in case.

Ron N

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