astin-weight & fandrich pianos

Charles Neuman
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 21:08:22 -0400 (EDT)

> Does anyone know if it's possible to get an
> Astin-Weight vertical piano with a Fandrich Vertical
> action?  If so, what would the cost be?  (I'm assuming
> cost of Astin-Weight piano plus the Fandrich action).
> I am also curious to know what the current prices on
> Astin-Weight and Fandrich verticals are running right
> now, and are there any dealers in Southern California,
> specifically the San Diego area?

I'd call them. It's likely you'll speak to Don Weight (I think that's his
name) or one of the other owners. They are very nice. if there's no dealer
in a given area, they will ship one to you directly at about 75% of the
list price. I think list prices are in the ballpark of $12,000 for their
largest upright. Maybe plus or minus $1500. Also, if there's no dealer in
an area, they will give you the number of a customer who allows
perspective customers to play their piano to try it out.

As for other actions: They can put other actions in. I wanted one with a
full sustenuto. They could put one in, but they recommended to go with the
action they generally use these days. It might be Renner. I can't
remember. So they may be hesitent to do it. But if you really wanted
something special, I'm sure they'd do it for you.

It's a great full-sounding piano. Expect a rich tone. It might even be too
rich, depending on your taste. But there's plenty of sound there. The
upright really does sound like a grand.

Charles Neuman
PTG Assoc.

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