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Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 19:47:28 EDT

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In a message dated 6/6/01 11:03:19 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Oh, I never "break down" my tuning cost as above; if my customer(s) happens 
> to live on the very same block (i have three), then i could not justify a 

But where do you draw the line Terry. If the same block too close, how about 
the house behind yours, (if you have one). Why not two blocks? Why not 1 
mile? Do you charge more mileage if the customer is more than 10 (15, 25) 
miles from your house. What if you tune your neighbor at the end of the day, 
and you have just come from 25 miles away? 

The same approach can be said about a tuning fee. You charge $100. What if it 
was a piece of cake, and you got done in 45 minutes, instead of an hour and a 
half. Do you give a discount?  What if you take 2 hours, (normal tuning now), 
do you charge extra? 

I think we all charge a flat fee for a tuning. I do give a 10% discount for 2 
pianos, 15% for three, and 20% for 4 or more in the same building on the same 
day. But I am considering the "trip charge," for minimum service calls, and 
for schools or churches (or private customers) with more than one piano, and 
then a charge per piano.  


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