advertising & stuff

w peterson
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 11:02:58 -0700

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Now I know why you are so interested in advertising.  Bill Peterson
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: pianolover 88=20
  Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 7:08 PM
  Subject: advertising & stuff

  Hi list,

  I just got a quote for running a "flyer insert" in the local =
pennysaver; it would cover only 2 zones in the same city. I was SHOCKED =
when the rep told me the price for ONE time insert: $1,080.00!!!!!!!!!! =
That's more than 50k per year, if run weekely, and I would supply the =
master flyer! Enough to make me VOMIT! I can get a decent Yellow page ad =
for about $1,200 for the entire YEAR!

  On a lighter note, If a customer failed to show up for a tuning =
appointment, would you charge her mileage to make a second trip? I did.

  Terry Peterson=20
  Precision Piano Service=20
  Torrance, CA=20

  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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