Violins as pianos & pianos as violins

Richard Brekne
Tue, 05 Jun 2001 21:51:03 +0200

Delwin D Fandrich wrote:

> > I'm sorry... dont quite get your point... I thought we were talking about
> wood
> > aging... and in the course of that discussion somebody mentioned that this
> kind
> > of disscussion came up frequently in the violin trade...
> Yes, it does. And my violin-maker friend gets just as upset with them as I
> do. He can't imagine why anyone would attempt to compare the violin tone
> producing mechanism with that of the piano. According to him they are quite
> different. So different, in fact, that there is really no comparison to be
> made at all.
> Regards,
> Del

Hmmm.... well I wouldnt want anybody upset...I would hope we are all haveing fun
tossing this one around a bit. That at least is the spirit in which I share my
thoughts and words... but to the point... As I and others (even Andre') have
mentioned a couple times since you first posted this... we were really talking
about aged wood relative to music instrument acoustics. I fail to see that
anyone has compared the violin directly to the piano in the course of this
disscussion. Heck you your self even make the point that what the stresses on
the piano soundboard do, and the ageing process itself are two different
subjects. So as far as I can see everyone was in aggreement with you before you
were in aggreement with yourself on this point...grin... And I do hope you
realize that we was just'a kidding around a bit here and there in the course of
these exchanges.. as in... chuckle chuckle... ??

I read with interest your words regarding these stress factors and how they
affect the wood cells. But I still am missing any real information on how wood
ageing in itself affects its acoustic properties. Which was my area of interest
all along... as I stated on at least three ocasions in so many words. Thanks by
the way for your explanation about the resin. I wonder if the fellow who wrote
that article is available for comment ? Would be interesting to hear what he
thinks now after some years has gone by.

Anyways... Cheers Del... all in good fun.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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