pianotech-digest V2001 #699

Robert Moffatt moffattr@cadvision.com
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 09:58:38 -0600

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>Farrel writes:
>After waiting 30 years for the piano to fall apart so that you can make =
>good piano of it, you want to send it back there? No matter what your
>opinion of a big company like Steinway might be, can you really say =
>their "reputation for honesty and top quality workmanship is beyond

And this rather opinionated statement, coming from an individual with
more questions than a five year old? Not that that is bad...but, maybe
a prime example of a little bit of knowledge being a dangerous thing!
I had the _privilege_ and _honour_ of working with the past head of the=20
S&S rebuilding dept, Stephen Romeo, for many months. His...their
work ethics, attention to detail, and concern for the "best for the =
was, imho, second to none. Of course, I had taken my original training
only for one year in the Yamaha factory, and had spent just 15 years
in the trade at that time....a relative _newbie_ in the field.=20

Still learning,

Bob Moffatt
Calgary, Alberta

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