tech. test

Dave Nereson
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 03:18:53 -0600

Any Denver/Boulder RPTs out there?  I need an RPT to volunteer to spend Sat., June 23rd to help me give a technical exam in Niwot, CO.   At least 2 RPTs are required to administer the exam, which entails de-regulating action models, setting up the repair jigs, and helping score the examinees' repairs and regulation jobs.  There'll be three examinees, so it'll take pretty much all day (with lunch break).   Haven't noticed many other Colorado techs on this list, but thought I'd give it a shot, in case there's a "reader-but-seldom-a-writer" out there.  Thanks.   -- Dave Nereson, RPT   (303) 355-5770

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