Pocket PC

Norman Barrett nbarrett@midsouth.rr.com
Tue, 5 Jun 2001 00:21:35 -0500

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I had a Palm IIIc and bought a iPac to use TuneLab Pocket. The =
conversion was painless because I use Day-Timer Software which will =
synchronize with either one. Day-Timer is not expensive, easy to use, =
and you can load you files from the Palm and then load them into the =
iPac. Something to think about.

Norm Barrett
Memphis chapter, PTG
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Jeannie Grassi=20
  To: pianotech@ptg.org=20
  Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 10:08 PM
  Subject: RE: Pocket PC

  I can see only one reason to switch from the Palm platform, which up =
until now has been miles ahead of the pack, and that is because Dean =
Reyburn and Robert Scott are adapting their tuning programs for the iPaq =
and that make them very tempting indeed.  It would be a headache for me =
to switch over after 5+ years of everything in my life on my Palm, but =
it is very tempting.....


  Jeannie Grassi, RPT
  Associate Editor, Piano Techncians Journal

    -----Original Message-----
    From: owner-pianotech@ptg.org [mailto:owner-pianotech@ptg.org]On =
Behalf Of Tom Servinsky
    Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 4:27 AM

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