It won't be a Steinway anymore!

J Patrick Draine
Mon, 4 Jun 2001 21:57:38 -0400

>  There was a fellow by the name of Dr. R. Bruce Hoadley who led a
>whole day of wood technology at one of our recent national institutes.  He is
>a real expert in this area and I'll bet he could offer some illuminating
>remarks concerning all that you and others have discussed.  I think it was
>the Providence convention where he did his thing.  I have no idea how to
>bring him into this or even where to contact him but perhaps there is someone
>here on the list that does.
>Don Bee,Sr., RPT

He's at the Forestry Department at the University of 
Massachusetts-Amherst. While he is indeed The Man for information on 
wood, I don't think that he'd claim special expertise vis a vis new 
(or old) soundboards and tone.
Perhaps Del (or Baoli) could give us some papers to read.


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