soundboards improving with age? or what else?

antares antares@EURONET.NL
Mon, 04 Jun 2001 22:06:55 +0200

> You and I are probably not going to agree on this issue here and now, and I
> still
> maintain that we are probably talking past each other more then anything
> else...
> though we most certainly disagree on some central points.

Please explain to me (I am not American nor English you see), what do you
mean by "talking past each other"?

> With the utmost of respect for an esteemed colleague.... grin.. and praise for
> a
> most stimulating and enjoyable exchange of differing views.. I remain very
> freindly
> yours...

Thank you for your friendly reply.

Friendly greetings

André Oorebeek
Amsterdam, Holland

'where music is, no harm can be'

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