printer (pocket pc)

Ron Koval
Mon, 04 Jun 2001 14:49:51

I've got an older setup that works-

full size micron laptop
HP 510 portable printer
Dos database (Q&A) - remember Dos?!?

I preprint blank forms with publisher and a laser printer, then in the home, 
just zip that through the portable printer to fill in the blanks.  It adds a 
little time, and some weight, but now I keep better records, and have quick 
access to past history. (as well as humidity, temperament last used, 
temperature, etc..) I get comments all the time too, on my setup!

It sure would be nice to shed some pounds and go with a lighter set up.

At this point, I don't think the pocket PC version of RCT supports the 
graphing funtions that I use to help in the tuning calculation.... correct 
me if I'm wrong.

just call me........graphman

Ron Koval

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