Pocket PC

Marcel Carey mcpiano@globetrotter.net
Mon, 4 Jun 2001 07:05:45 -0400

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Hi Greg
These devices don't have a hard drive. This is what makes them so fast =
to open up. Mine has 32 mb memory. I also have a extension port that I =
can use Flash card memory (digital cameras memory cards). It has a usb =
port and you can also get a serial cable to connect to your home or =
laptop pc. You can synch all your contacts and appointments in a flash =
by cable or infrared connection.

You probably can find out all the more technical info on the web:  =
www.pocketpc.com or www.compaq.com/products/handhelds=20
  ----- Message d'origine -----=20
  De : Greg Newell=20
  =C0 : pianotech@ptg.org=20
  Envoy=E9 : 2001-juin-03 23:19
  Objet : Re: Pocket PC

      Thanks for the response. You did answer the question. If it has an =
infrared port, it will print. The rest is just software. I just may have =
to consider this. I'm currently using PTBiz on my laptop and I print the =
invoice right in front of the customer. I never fail to get comments =
about it. My standard reply is always something like "ya gotta have your =
toys!" or " even piano tuners are allowed to join the 21st. century!". I =
guess I would have to use different software already made for the palm =
platform. How much memory and or hard drive does yours have? USB port? =
Parallel port? What else? How much?=20
      Thanks for your help!=20

  Marcel Carey wrote:=20

    I'm not so sure about printing, but They do have an infrared port. =
It would be wise to check with the Microsoft CE documentation. Since I =
don't have an infrared capable portable printer, I can answer that. =
      ----- Message d'origine -----
      De : Greg Newell
      =C0 : pianotech@ptg.org
      Envoy=E9 : 2001-juin-03 22:31
      Objet : Re: Pocket PC
       Can these things print through an infrared port?=20

  Greg Newell=20
  Greg's Piano Fort=E9=20
  12970 Harlon Ave.=20
  Lakewood, Ohio 44107=20

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