Fw: It won't be a Steinway anymore!/soundboards improving with age?

Richard Brekne rbrekne@broadpark.no
Mon, 04 Jun 2001 11:28:15 +0200

Interesting thread to be sure.. There seems to be 3 main positions.

1: That there is no such thing really as soundboards in pianos ageing in any
positive fashions.
2: That soundboards in pianos have a short period of ageing... tops 5 years or
3: That soundboards can age positively over long periods of time dependant on
how well the instrument is kept.

Who shares what position is really not so important... whats interesting to me
is that all of these positions are supported by subjective observation only.

Still, it seems likely to me that some type of ageing process is neccesarilly
present. To much points in this direction for me to think otherwise. Even if for
the most part this is limited to a window of 3 to 5 years.... if its there then
it needs a real explanation not speculative reasoning. Otherwise we will never
know for sure... and never find out what potential there is in ageing if it does
indeed exist.

Until such prove / knowledge / data is on the table.... well we are in the end
expressing opinions only.

Erwinpiano wrote:

>    My own opinion,subjective as it
> is,is that playing music and the vibrational effect on internal friction or
> through the cosmic alignment of wood cell fairies or whatever has something
> to do with the tonal improvements, But I'm not sure how long the window of
> improvement is open. I've seen one of my own swy B rebuilds bloom over the
> course of 5 years and now believe it to be at its peak.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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