Fw: It won't be a Steinway anymore!/soundboards improving with age?

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Sun, 03 Jun 2001 23:35:18 -0500

>   Excellant post and I agree indeed new wood does sound different.
>   According to the 1955 reprint on sound board material in the May issue of
>the journal the author states that new woods such as soundboard spruce feed
>off the resin reservoir left in them, the older the wood the less resin.This
>is not the first time I've heard this. 

I don't know about resin reservoirs, but new soundboards do seem to me to
take a month or two to settle down and become what they will be. Beyond
that, too much depends on construction method, wood selection, assembly
procedures, and usage environment to make any predictions of further
improvements - in my opinion (such as it may be).

Ron N

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