Keybed Inserts

Bill Ballard
Sun, 3 Jun 2001 23:26:36 -0400

At 10:17 PM -0400 6/3/01, Farrell wrote:
>I was going to give Ronson a call next week and ask them how they handle
>hammer orders. My understanding is that they are the only company that does
>square grand hammers. I have not dealt with them before. So, I'll just give
>'em a call and get the scoop. Thanks for your interest. Have you rebuilt
>many squares?

Pardon me while I butt in. I did one major piece of square work back 
in '77. The hammer's I fashioned out of two sets of upright hammers, 
drawing from each one set whose width matched the original set. The 
boring angles were out over the left field fence, and the butts were 
trimmed by hand after hanging (square to the shanks).  I hung the 
hammers, doing first the new evens in between the old odds. But later 
I figured out I could have hung them on a straight dummy rail.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"May you work on interesting pianos."
     ...........Ancient Chinese Proverb

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