Keybed Inserts

Bill Ballard
Sun, 3 Jun 2001 16:21:40 -0400

At 9:58 AM -0500 6/3/01, Ron Nossaman wrote:
>>What wood(s) are acceptable for keybed insert construction? What is 
>>the grain orientation?
>Hard maple, end grain.
>>Do I really need the insert at all if the new keybed piece in that area is
>>hard maple?
>>Terry Farrell
>I would.
>Ron N

I agree. End grain takes wear far better than any orientation of side 
grain. If the loud pedal is used with any regularity, the glide bolts 
will easily burnish a trough in side grain and will need to be 
readjusted regularly. Also make it maple. I had the good fortune to 
find a 1" maple dowel the day I was inserting glide bolts into a 1913 
Sohmer grand which never had them before. A 1" Forstner bit in my 
neighbor's right angle drill and 12" slices off the dowel were just 
the ticket.

Bill Ballard RPT
NH Chapter, P.T.G.

"May you work on interesting pianos."
     ...........Ancient Chinese Proverb

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