It won't be a Steinway anymore!

Conrad Hoffsommer
Sun, 03 Jun 2001 13:04:59 -0500

At 17:05 06/03/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>Nice story Conrad... and my experience leads me to "believe" that your 
>is correct.
>btw... what side of the Yacht club did you get parked in.?  I was over 
>there by the
>heliport in 71.

Trolled the parking lot @2.5 knots (propellors @23rpm) in '70, '72{Haiphong 
blockade} and '73.  [USS Long Beach CGN-9]

Kept the lights on and the screws turning while the guys upstairs played 
war zone air traffic controller.

Maintained sailor stereotypes when on R&R... ;-}

Conrad Hoffsommer -
Who, at the very least, knows where he is:  43°18.685N, 91°48.09W

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