It won't be a Steinway anymore!

Sun, 3 Jun 2001 12:09:52 EDT

In a message dated 6/03/2001 11:13:38 AM, writes:

<< Ok... I have had my fun now... tear me apart >>

Well If you 'insist' :-)

<<"so if you are going to dissagree...then we need

to stick to the same premises at least.. eh ??">>

I was so proud of you when you wrote this!!!!
Then you had to spoil it with:

<<"If the old soundboard is in *cherry* condition... plenty of crown then I 
would take

issue with such a sweeping absolutist declaration.">>
 Sighhh.............. soundboards are not normally made from "cherry"! :-)

 If it, the violin or piano, sounds good, performs well and meets the tonal 
expectations/desires of its owner don't matter how danged old it 
But what do I know?
Jim Bryant (FL)

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