
Diane Hofstetter
Sat, 02 Jun 2001 19:49:37 -0700

Hello Ed,

I'm no expert, but I did see such an instrument many years ago, when I was 
just starting out in this work.  It looked just like a piano, but was some 
kind of organ.  The owners had called my dad to possibly buy it, calling it 
a piano-organ.  We declined.  Sorry I can't tell you more.


>From: "Ed Carwithen" <>
>To: "Piano Tech List" <>
>Subject: mystery
>Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 19:09:06 -0700
>Hello experts...
>  I was called to look at an instrument that has me mystyfied!  It is in a 
>piano cabinet.  Looks like a very ornate upright cabinet of the early 
>1900's.  It has a full piano keyboard.  There are two pedals which look 
>strange and angle away from each other.  The pedals pump a bellows, and the 
>keys play tones like a harmonium.  There is NOTHING behind the top-front 
>panal.  It is empty!  A great big boxy open space.  All of the mechanism is 
>below the keyboard and above the pedal space.  It sounds like one of those 
>portable camp organs.  But it looks like there ought to be an upright piano 
>action in there...There isn't.
>It is made by H. Lehr and Co. in Easton, PA.  According to my atlas H.Lehr 
>& Co. was located in Easton, Pa., and they made Lehr & Lafayette pianos.  
>This ain't no piano!!!  The first number in the atlas for Lehr pianos is 
>18,000.  This serial is 4642.
>This isn't something someone has modified.  The keys are obviously designed 
>for the action which is stowed beneath.  There is a label describing it as 
>a Grand Organ
>Has anybody seen one of these babies?  Does anyone one anywhere have any 
>information at all about this instrument.
>Enquiring minds want to know.
>Ed Carwithen
>John Day, OR

Diane Hofstetter
245-M Mount Hermon Rd.#343
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
ph  831-438-6222
fax 831-430-9741

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