No Bushings/Tuning Pin Size

Sat, 2 Jun 2001 10:32:29 -0400

Hi gang. I am epoxy-ing in 1/2" pinblock plugs in a square grand and will be
drilling the pinblock ASAP. The tuning pin plate holes are about the same
size as Steinway plate holes. There were no bushings when the piano was
disassembled. The plate is 1/4" to 5/16" thick (I don't know how thick
Steinway plates are). The old pins were pulled toward the front of the plate
hole and were rubbing on the plate. I am trying to select an optimal size
tuning pin for this application. I'm concerned about the significant
distance between the pinblock top and the coil height and the effect this
may have on tuning pin bending/twisting. I'm leaning toward size 2/0. Any
suggestions? How thick are Steinway plates - they and other non-bushed
plates typically use 2/0, don't they?

Terry Farrell

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