It won't be a Steinway anymore!

J Patrick Draine
Sat, 2 Jun 2001 10:22:22 -0400

>Because Steinway is the only piano manufacturer that breeds venomous
>marketers that enjoy pulling the wool over the consumers head. This has been
>their practice for 150 years.
>Terry Farrell

Jeez we sure are a cranky lot these days, aren't we (myself 
included). Presumably we aren't all ready to have Carl crate us up 
and send us off to Cuba to enjoy the socialist paradise.
"Venomous marketers" brought you the computer you're reading this on, 
and probably your breakfast cereal.
"Annoying marketers" may be a bit more realistic.

A round of decaf and prozac for everyone!

Have a Happy Day!

Patrick (not being a curmudgeon for a moment)

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