Re-veneering fallboard.

Glenn Grafton
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 09:45:31 -0400

>Hi List,
>Slight change of subject from Cranky Baldwin dealer.
>I have a job coming up where I will be replacing burr walnut veneer on a
>fallboard. I've veneered flat surfaces with no problem but was wondering
>what method of clamping some of you might suggest along with your favorite
>glues and methods.
>Looking forward to any responses.

The June 2001 issue of Professional Refinishing Magazine has an 
excellent article on "The Basics of Vacuum-Press Veneering."

He mentions that before vacuum press veneering became practical shops 
hammer veneered with hide glue or glued up with contact cement. 
Problem is it takes a lot of practice, especially if pieces are 
large. With contact cement you get an extremely flexible glue line 
that doesn't hold the veneer well along the long run and is 
vulnerable to heat and solvents..

I beam screw presses are also mentioned, but the cost of these new 
are high and rarely available.

He goes on to show how vacuum press veneering solves those problems 
with an illustrated example of how he set up a large veneering 
project (about the size of the front part of a grand piano lid).

Subscriptions to this magazine are free to qualified people, and 
piano techs would. We've picked up a lot of pointers in various issues
818-715-9776 Calif. voice
818-715-9059 fax

Glenn Grafton
Grafton Piano & Organ Co.
1081 County Line Rd.
Souderton PA 18964

The box said "Requires Windows 95, or better." So I bought a Macintosh.

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