survey of opinion

Allan L. Gilreath, RPT
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 08:34:46 -0400

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James and the list,

Yat Lam Hong is presenting a program in Reno concerning the ins and outs of
caster cups from a technical as well as aesthetic standpoint.  Anyone
interested at all should be sure to catch this program on Saturday afternoon
since he takes this subject more in depth than anyone I've ever seen.

Allan L. Gilreath, RPT
Assistant Director - TEAM2001
July 11-15, 2001 - Reno, NV
Director: Laura Olsen, RPT
Assistant Directors: Allan Gilreath, RPT - Gary Neie, RPT - Dale Probst, RPT

  -----Original Message-----
  From: []On Behalf Of
James Grebe
  Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 3:07 PM
  To: pianotech mailing list
  Subject: survey of opion

  Hi All,

      I am trying to finalize a design parameter for my new line of Handsome
Hardwood Caster Cups for the larger width wheels found on new Baldwins (2.5"
wide), and other makes.  Some even have dual sets of casters on each leg
(Petrof).  The larger the center cup area, my standard is 2.75", the less
area left for the perimeter ( my HHCC's are 5.5" in diameter)  which makes
the whole thing graceful looking.  Please give me your opinion:

  1.  How large a diameter for the whole device do you think they can be?
6",6.5", larger ?
  2.  Does a bowl shape look graceful enough by eliminating the outside
  3.  Should the cup area be flat or semi concave?

      Thank you for sending me your opinion.  Please reply off the list so I
do not anger anyone taking up this space.

                             James Grebe
  R.P.T. of the P.T.G
  Creator of Handsome Hardwood Caster Cups and Practical Piano Benches  in
St. Louis, MO
  (314) 845-8282
  1526 Raspberry Lane
  Arnold, MO 63010
  Web Site    http//

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