survey of opion

Fri, 1 Jun 2001 07:23:12 -0400

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1.  How large a diameter for the whole device do you think they can be? =
6",6.5", larger ?

All depends on size of wheel and piano. The bigger the wheel and piano, =
the bigger the caster cup.

2.  Does a bowl shape look graceful enough by eliminating the outside =

In a word - NO - but I could be wrong - just my humble opinion.

3.  Should the cup area be flat or semi concave?=20

I would say for small wheels, the regular curved/concave is great. For =
the BIG WIDE wheels you see on some newer BIG pianos though, the flat =
may well be better - or perhaps a flat bottom with an upcurved edge.

Caster cups, I believe, can really add an edge to the appearance of a =
piano. A year or two ago you sent me some ink-jet print outs of pictures =
of your cups. I know it is difficult to develop a whole marketing =
program, but we technicians that would like to sell your cups need =
something more to convey to a piano owner what you have to offer. I just =
delivered a rebuilt piano to a lady two days ago to her brand-new home =
and she immediately asked about a set of nice caster cups. She has a =
small brownish/redish mahagony grand (small casters) with a =
honey-oak-stained oak floor. I only had some black caster cups to her to =
use to not scratch the floor - poor piano looks like its got army boots =
on it.

Can you custom match a color? Do you have a price list?


Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: James Grebe=20
  To: pianotech mailing list=20
  Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 3:07 PM
  Subject: survey of opion

  Hi All,

      I am trying to finalize a design parameter for my new line of =
Handsome Hardwood Caster Cups for the larger width wheels found on new =
Baldwins (2.5" wide), and other makes.  Some even have dual sets of =
casters on each leg (Petrof).  The larger the center cup area, my =
standard is 2.75", the less area left for the perimeter ( my HHCC's are =
5.5" in diameter)  which makes the whole thing graceful looking.  Please =
give me your opinion:

  1.  How large a diameter for the whole device do you think they can =
be? 6",6.5", larger ?
  2.  Does a bowl shape look graceful enough by eliminating the outside =
  3.  Should the cup area be flat or semi concave?=20

      Thank you for sending me your opinion.  Please reply off the list =
so I do not anger anyone taking up this space.

                             James Grebe  =20
  R.P.T. of the P.T.G        =20  =20
  Creator of Handsome Hardwood Caster Cups and Practical Piano Benches  =
in St. Louis, MO
  (314) 845-8282                                     =20
  1526 Raspberry Lane                      =20
  Arnold, MO 63010
  Web Site    http//               =

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