RAVE: It gets worse "ONLY BECAUSE OF...

jolly roger baldyam@sk.sympatico.ca
Thu, 31 May 2001 22:10:21 -0500

Hey guy's,
                 Let's  cool it on the dealers, remember some of them are
exclusive Baldwin dealers, with their life savings tied up in the store,
plus obligations on long term leases, and staff payroll, along with many
other bills.   They have a right to be upset.
I am not taking sides, but som compassion is in order, and it is the
proffessional way to handle things.
On a brighten note, I think some positive announcements will be made early
next week.   All is not black. 
All that has come out of this discussion is the distain that some dealers
have for PTG members, and the distain that many members of this list have
for dealers, and manufacturers.   Lets get back to piano technology.
A Baldwin dealer thats not too worried .
Regards Roger.  

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