Steinway plate holes

Mon, 19 Feb 2001 18:30:07 -0800

Hey Ho

   Why  is there air?  Tradition?  Just kiddin round.

  It could be that  because the  plate holes  in the lower tenor area are
closer together than up a bit higher that the thought was not to reduce the
mass at that location for strength considerations.  However that doesn't
give us any answers to why the rest of the holes are recessed.

  Maybe it was just Theodore  S's  sense of humor in the late 1800s.  You
know he and Herman Von Helmholtz were just sitting around ( they were bored
oneday .Hey even brilliant guys are bored on some given day of the
year,RIGHT1)trying to throw in something to confuse the competition.  They
thunk it funny to think you an me'd be a sittin round here a hundered years
later  sayin "WHY' DAY DO DAT' to each other.  JUST FOOD FOR THOUGHT AND I'S
A LITTLE BORED MAHSELF. Don't starve to deth yah here.

   Dale Erwin

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