Smoke Damage

Fri, 23 Jun 2000 23:22:34 EDT

In a message dated 6/23/2000 10:25:07 PM, you wrote:

<<I can only refer you back to my belief that ozone and oxygen would have the 
same effect regarding corrosion. I just can't understand why a purifier 
(ozone) would cause corrosion moreso than oxygen.>>

 You are correct in that ozone and oxygen have the same properties vis a vis 
"oxidation", that is to say neither may "cause" it but both support it. 
Oxidation does not happen without a source of Oxygen. Ozone is such a source 
in that the element "O" is present. things don't rust without the presence of 
oxygen and they don't deteriorate, due to bacterial action, without oxygen to 
support the bacteria.

  Ozone in and of itself, being a 'powerful' "bleaching" and "oxidizing" 
agent will support more rapid corrosion, rusting, drying out of rubber, break 
down of vinyl compounds, etc. than will oxygen.   Ergo any "corrosive 
capability" of deposited soot/smoke will be greatly enhanced by the 
introduction of ozone.

 For this reason I would not suggest putting a decent piano in an "ozone 
tent". If memory serves me correctly Dave Swartz has told us on several 
occasions just exactly why this should not be done............

 BTW does anyone know anything about Dave? Is he OK?
Jim Bryant (FL)

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