Refinishing Problem

Greg Newell
Sun, 31 Dec 2000 18:47:07 -0500

My apologies Mark. I didn't remember anyone else using an Accuspray so I
thought Terry's post was meant for me. How do you like your gun? What HP
compressor are you using? How long have you had it? Do you find any drawbacks
about it?

Greg wrote:

> Hi Terry -
> Yes, I use Oxford PSL and really like it.  As a rule, making coats "as
> thick as you can make them" is not a good overall policy, in my
> experience, either with water-based OR solvent-based material.  You are
> just begging for orange peel and 'soft belly', and other unmentionables.
> Yes, I am still using the Accuspray conversion gun.  I am not really
> familiar with your gun, although I have heard of it and am sure it is
> fine.  Try a nozzle/cap configuration that gives you better atomization,
> or thin the material 5% with water and spray thinner coats, or ideally
> both.  There is a flow-out additive/retarder that Target Coatings makes
> that is compatible with the PSL, something like SA5, that you may want to
> try if you continue to have problems.  I have not found the need to use
> it, but it may be appropriate in your situation.
> You may be spraying too far from the surface, too.  Also, the temperature
> and humidity play a role here, as well.  Sounds a bit like voodoo magic,
> eh?  Make sure Saturn is aligned with Uranus and there is a total eclipse
> of one of Jupiter's moons!  (kidding, of course...)  Basically, if your
> temp is in the 70's, humidity 45-65%, and you spray thinner coats of
> thinned material from about 6-8 inches from the surface, you should have
> very good results.
> Mark Potter

Greg Newell
Greg's Piano Forté
19270 Harlon Ave.
Lakewood, Ohio 44107

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