service vehicles

Ed Carwithen
Sat, 30 Dec 2000 18:44:25 -0800

Doesn't anyone but me use a pickup?  I have a small Ford Ranger, 4
cylindar.  Gives me great gas mileage, holds all the tools I need for most
jobs, it is easy to transport actions, (and player mechanisms, but that is
another very sad story) and I have two lengths for my upright action
cradle, so that I can have one end on the tailgate and the other end
supported by longer legs that reach to ground.  This gives me great
leverage for working on upright actions at the truck, hammer shaping,
working on whippens, whatever.  At this time of year you could pick up (pun
intended) a new 2000 model for good price and low interest rates.  It has
proved to be highly versitle for piano tuning.

Ed Carwithen
John Day

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