Piano show on public television

harvey harvey@greenwood.net
Sat, 30 Dec 2000 21:15:47 -0500

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In celebration of the piano's birthday, there will be a show called "Piano 
Grand", airing (in my area) at 10:00pm Monday. Locally, it is on SCETV, but 
sometimes these programs are simulcast across the various ETV public 
networks, local times notwithstanding.

Anyway, the short tickler spot mentioned a "celebration" of the piano, and 
features such artists as Billy Joel, Marcus Roberts, Dave Brubeck. Those 
are the one's I could remember while getting to the computer. There were 
also some I've never heard of, some I don't like... and, IMO, some who 
should have chosen another instrument.

I'm blind posting this to pianotech, so forgive me if it's been mentioned. 
Likewise for the cross-posts to various lists.

Jim Harvey, RPT
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