I Apologize

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Sat, 30 Dec 2000 15:52:43 -0600

>     I just checked my e-mail and found a listing from myself on the list
> which is vulgar. I just got this computer two days ago, and it's doing all
> kinds of weird stuff. I might have to take it back. I don't respond to
> anybody like this, and certainly not to the list. I also found three other
> messages which were "undeliverable"  The first thing I did was to install
> virus protection and get all the updates for it before I even stepped out on
> the web. But this thing is acting totally weird.
>     Once again, I'm embarrassed to have that message go from my computer to
> your list. Gees,,,,,,,,,I feel about 1 inch tall right now. 
> Kevin E. Ramsey, R.P.T.
> <mailto:ramsey@extremezone.com>ramsey@extremezone.com

I've been getting a bunch of pianotech addressed undeliverable mail kickbacks
for hesand01@louisville.edu. I assumed he was still subscribed, but not at that
address any longer, and the listserver was inadvertently posting the kickbacks.
I assumed no harm was being done to anything but Andy's schedule, so I haven't
mentioned it, assuming he had enough to do. Then again, maybe it's something we
need to know about. How about it Andy? What's happening?

Ron N

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