Decibel Levels

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 30 Dec 2000 10:27:35 -0600

>Bubba Ron,
>We use the foam plugs, not only because they are cheap but because they
>reduce the noise to less damaging levels. If you can learn to tune, you can
>learn to tune with ear plugs in. That is the experience of a male and female
>tech for over ten years now. Don't have the headaches that used to visit
>regularly. Will not tune without plugs ever again. Of course, won't play ZZ
>Top without plugs again either...well maybe just this one time....:)
>Off the soapbox wait!!!

Bubba Dale,

I've used plugs for tuning for some time, since it quit being fun to hurt.
In the shop, I use the headset any time I'm making noise - even running the
drill press. I know the RS meter is a few miles South of industrial
quality, but it's still informative and entertaining to put relative
numbers to subjective impressions and see how they compare. Three decimal
places of accuracy isn't really necessary for anything I'm likely to use it
for, so I've been satisfied with it. Maybe I'm just easily amused.

Ron N

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