Question about ear plugs/mushroom cultivation

Linda Stråhle
Sat, 30 Dec 2000 12:00:37 +0100

Hello Terry,

I´m sorry I used the wrong word. What I meant with swamp infection should be fungus infection. You probably know what that is so I´m not going to explain it in detail. I hope you get well in your ears, and can sleep well. It sounds like you have something in there.  

Happy New Year

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "pianolover 88" <>

> Linda,
> I'm very curious; what exactly is a "swamp" infection, and what are the 
> symptoms? I have worn foam earplugs for many, many years to help me sleep, 
> as I awaken at the slightest sound. I have developed a very frustrating ear 
> problem that I hesitate to call an "infection", but it may be this "swamp" 
> thing you referred to. I find myself scratching my ears quite frequenly, and 
> there is always a build-up of stuff in there that i can never get completely 
> out, and what i do get out just comes back again. Thanks.
> Terry

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