
Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Sat, 30 Dec 2000 04:51:12 +0100

Nice Posting Ed. And in the spirit of Keiths posting earlier I would like to
thank you for your influence in this regard...and for that matter all the listees
for all the fine advice, good chat, and your willingness to put up with me when I
get a bit ..er... weird..

What a fine bunch of folks there really is here on the list.  As for HT's... they
are indeed a lot more fun and fine to listen to then many might expect... ya just
gotta be willing to listen past that idea of what things are "supposed" to sound
like. And Eds right... there are a lot of potential $$$ out there for anyone who
learns more about this end of the buisness.

Happy New Year everybody.

A440A@AOL.COM wrote:

> Greetings,
>     It was the last tuning of the week. A really nice, burl walnut Baldwin
> with a pinblock whose "attitude" has been softened by the 50 years of tuning
> that my customer had been paying for.  He is a
> high-powered-exmilitary-executive-type-A-Republican-take-charge-now kinda
> guy.

snip snip

> but if we don't dare to reach, if
> we don't look for ways to broaden our life experiences, we stagnate.
> Everything changes with time. Today we have Owen's research to open doors
> that many of us have walked past as we clung to our status quo.  I would like
> to encourage my fellow techs to look for growth, take a chance, and enjoy
> what new vistas we might find.  It is soon to be a new year, a new milleneum,
>  and I can only hope that we all find the new in our future.
> Regards to all,
> Ed Foote RPT

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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