Heating/Cooling Systems

Jon Page jonpage@mediaone.net
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 15:59:18 -0500

This week I've been going over the pianos in an institution which i previously
serviced in September.

In September all pianos were around 446, I tuned them there. This week one
building was @ 68 degrees and the pianos were pretty much at pitch.  The
other building was @ 76 degrees and the pianos were about 436 except one
room on the other end of the building (68 degrees) was at pitch. The second
building had the thermostats set at 65 but the heat just kept on going.  I was
thinking of re-labeling the thermostat from heating/cooling to 

Funny things we think of while tuning...

Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.

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