Question about ear plugs...

John Ross
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 11:07:29 -0400

Hi Maria,
I use Hi-Fi Earplugs, Model ER-20, that I got from
either Schaff or Pianotek. They cut the sound down
about 12db, so you can still hear beats. They are
inexpensive, I think around $12-$14 U.S.
At the convention, in Providence, I had my hearing
checked at a local university, which was doing a
survey, of piano tuners, and they would give a
reduced price on moulded ear plugs.
I think the lowest db was about 15db, and it cost
over $100. So for me the inexpensive, protection,
was the way to go. If I lose it, so what, I get another
pair. I found the inexpensive ones, more comfortable
than the moulded ones.
They help tuning in noisy environments, they seem to
cut out the buggy noise, and let the music through.
John M. Ross
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 3:09 PM
Subject: Question about ear plugs...

Hi folx.
I wonder if any of you tuners use any
kind of ear plugs when tuning? This, of
course, for protection of the ears since
one bashes the keyes 1000 times over and
over again and on some pianos the trebel
can be quite harsh and tiering for the
ear that constantly listens concentrated
to it. If theres anyone who uses or
knows about the possibillity of
"special" ear plugs and brands, plz
contact me privately and I will be oh,
so gratifyed :) Are there somekind of
special brand of plugs or so?

PS: Naturally a set of ear plugs for
this special occation can not be anykind
since one has to HEAR the beats well
enough to actually be able to tune but
mabye there are somekind of plugs that
cut out the worst or just a little
procent of the volume of a tone thats
pressed. I have no use for ear plugs
that cut out sound too much either :)))


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