moisture in wool or wood. was Re: When to do it

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 20:57:22 EST

In a message dated 12/28/00 4:55:40 PM Central Standard Time, JIMRPT@AOL.COM 

<< I have no doubt that leather tends to swell up when soaked with water but 
 don't 'think' that wool does so. Has anybody done any experimentation on 
 whether wool changes size with moisture absorption? There has been much 
 speculation in this thread based on the felt changing size and I wonder if 
 really does?
 Just a passing thought.
 Jim Bryant (FL)  >>

If wool didn't absorb moisture and swell, then what accounts for sluggish 
centers? Is it the wood around the bushings that swell to tighten the center, 
or is it the wool that expands that causes the problem? I would suspect the 
wool. That is why can use a Protek, or the old fashioned alcohol and water, 
to ease the bushing. Or is that just to free up the wool, which is being 
pressed against the pin by the wood that is swelling?


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