
Roy Ulrich
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 16:39:36 -0600

Ahhhhh. Tis the season to be jolly. Oops, not Roger, the other jolly - you
know, happy, joyful, thankful...that sort of thing.

To suggest that a member of this list be banned from the Kingdom because of
some controversy makes a statement about the author of this post and his
lack of patience and overall understanding of the inherent nature of this
printed exchange. Without the body language, infections in speech, and other
factors, I suggest that there is a lot of misunderstanding going on. Sure
some of it may be pointed from time to time - what? you've never seen
political debate?

Let's have a Moderator - a person who will screen every response to every
issue and post ONLY the result of consensus. Maybe then no toes will be
stepped on, ya think?

As I relect back over the time I've been a part (albeit small) of this
group, I've paid a little attention to ALL the input - negative, percieved
negative, and all the rest. Who was it...Maria who got jumped on because she
called a spade a spade after an experience with a "shitty little piano"?
OhmyGod! What shame. What insensitivity. What gall! How insulting.

If ANYONE has had a bad year, I'm in contention for 1st prize, yet I see no
reason to join some of you alledged "adults" in behaving like children.
Maybe you both need a little "time out".

At any rate, I suggest that working on communication skills in this forum is
every bit as important as the technical information considering the nature
of the beast - why not agree to disagree from time to time.

I say you're both at fault to some degree - go ice fishing and practice
catch and release, i.e. give some of that ice you think you caught back to
Mother Nature. For crying out loud.

Roy Ulrich
No credentials - my friends just call me Roy
Happy New Year - someone should make some resolutions....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Don" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 10:25 AM
Subject: Shun

> Hi Everyone,
> I suggest that Mr. Bremmer should either leave the list or that no one
> should further acknowledge his presence here. His conduct on the list is
> almost always inflamatory. He is obviously a very insecure person.
> Regards,
> Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T.
> Tuner for the Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts
> 3004 Grant Rd.
> S4S 5G7
> 306-352-3620 or 1-888-29t-uner

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