Return Springs on a Baldwin 243

Rob Kiddell
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 08:24:18 -0700


You have encountered the problem I face on a daily basis working 
at a Baldwin dealer: how to make vertical actions repeat faster.

The 243 Hamilton action is common among all verticals using the 
Baldwin name, and the repetition problem seems to boil down to 
incorrect hammer butt leather geometry. The profile of the butt 
leather is not rounded, but rounded near the butt felt and flat near 
the catcher shank, Because of this, the jack won't return until it 
has cleared the rounded bump and slides home on the flat spot. 
Old butts, new butts, doesn't matter... they are roughly of the same 
geometry. However, you have an opportunity here... if the leather is 
hardened (and needs replacement) you can bolster the leather to a 
better profile, removing the bump at the bottom and allowing for 
better jack return. Check this out with a new hammer butt if you 
have one handy.

Two comments:

1) Raising the hammer rail and allowing more lost motion helps 
somewhat as you are changing the jack/leather contact angle, 
allowing the jack to skate over the bump at the bottom of the butt 

2)  Mark's reply about moving the catchers in closer allows the butt 
to be caught higher and the jack can spring back without having to 
contact the bottom of the leather

Check this out.... 


Rob Kiddell RPT
Atonal Piano Service

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