Rattling their Cage

Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 09:58:09 EST

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In a message dated 12/28/00 8:28:25 AM Central Standard Time, =A0 =A0=20
Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no (Richard Brekne) writes:

> Weve said this a million times... there is such a thing as a delete button=
> We

No, Richard, they don't have to respond.  I have asked them off list not to=20
do so, to just delete my posts if they are disturbed at the very sight of my=
name but apparently, they enjoy doing the very thing they are complaining=20

My prediction is that not a single one of them, the ones who complain by=20
filling the list with off topic material but who *could* provide useful=20
information or opinions, will do so.  I hope that I am proven wrong.  But I=20
don't think I will be.  It will demonstrate that these people really want th=
List to be a chatroom for piano techs in which detailed information and in=20
depth discussion of opposing opinions is NOT what they want.

The trouble with the one that spouts the poetry or philosophy is that it is=20
virtually never connected to anything useful.  I read and translate poetry=20
avidly.  I enjoy it immensely but it is not really appropriate for this list=
unless it is used to underscore some point being made.  It has instead been=20
used here as I've outlined before.

So, all of these people *could* offer Ola, Phil and others who have question=
about hammer technique or tuning hammer types opinions that would be useful.=
Instead, the topic is never addressed or is replied to with a joke such as=20
"Newton has a 3 foot one for that".

Horace represented himself to me as the great "teacher" when he came to=20
Madison to give a demonstration at a seminar and right here on this List,=20
while attempting to thoroughly put me down and in my place described himself=
as a "*real* concert tuner".  If that is so, he must have had experience wit=
all types of tuning hammers and techniques, the way he claims to have had=20
experience with all kinds of temperaments, and has, at this time in his=20
mature life, formed a strong, soundly based opinion on which is best and can=
explain in detail why.

But he won't, I can assure you.  Just the way he didn't with the temperament=
issue.  He didn't really have an answer, only a posture and so he resorted t=
words that you could hear from any bum on the street corner, not being able=20
to quote any poetry or philosophy to underscore his beliefs.  Now, I gave=20
some of my opinions in detail and have more that I can add.  But if I do, I=20
will of course be trying to be the "know-it-all", writing posts that are "to=
long" and inflammatory.

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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