Rattling their Cage

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 07:15:35 -0600


Just who's inside the cage?
At 23:14 12/27/2000 -0500, you wrote:
<edited for sake of brevity>

>As for the many posts that were never written because I somehow stood in the
>way, how about the ones that were never written because the List is too full
>of off topic discussion, one liners, personal notes, etc., (that I never had
>anything to do with) for any serious minded tech to be interested in wading

>  I don't "attack" them if they differ
>from mine.  It is and always has been the HT controversy that that has been
>inflammatory in and of itself.  This, in spite of repeated denials.  In the
>back of their minds, it is *always* the "Oh him again, the one who does
>*that*!"  It colors their perception and raises the most deep seated defense
>mechanisms every time.

Let's just go back to one of your previous posts, shall we?

>If I were to believe what you and Don, the one who writes the alphabet 
>after his name with
>every post, a real, *valid* test would show the example I came across to be a
>true ET and *my* ET would be the RW.  Sure.  And of course, the EBVT would
>simply be unethical, a non-temperament since it didn't come out of a book and
>you can't do it by dialing in deviations of an FAC program.

This came after an unsuccessful attempt to elicit from you the hard numbers 
upon which you base your assertion of the percentage of tuners who actually 
tune RW vs: ET.  To date, all I've seen is anecdotal.

If you don't attack people who differ from you, just what was the purpose 
if interjecting "the one who writes the alphabet after his name with every 
post" ?

Are you jealous that he has degrees/honours that you don't?  Looks more 
like the ever popular politics of personal destruction.  Belittle, make fun 
of or in some other way attempt to delegitimise the other person??  This is 
supposed to make you look better? Wiser?

Hint, Bill: It doesn't.

I must admit that this was one of the milder examples of your "craft", but 
I purged much of my "bb kaka" mailbox recently.

>It is a classic example of a topic where you will get opinions from the very
>best technicians that will seem to contradict each other.  I believe the best
>way for any individual to sort this kind of contradictory information out is
>to be able to read as many opinions with details as possible.  And I don't
>mean one liners like, "I'm a Jerk tuner, the ladies love it".

Again from 10/24/00 post, you said to/of me...

>One of the assertions I've been interested in documenting is that the aural
>tuners who talk the way you do about ET vs. HT almost always tune RW.  90% if
>not more.  Post the numbers from one of your aural ET's and we'll see if that
>applies to you, which I strongly suspect it does.

Still, no facts.  I KNOW that you have never checked one of my tunings, but 
you still would rather believe that I am an inferior tuner, AND BROADCAST 
THAT ASSERTION, than give me the benefit of the doubt.  This is just one 
example of your constant condescension and frequent personal and 
professional attacks toward many on the list.

Be very aware that your words here could be construed as violating the PTG 
Code of Ethics with regard to professionalism.

>As for the many posts that were never written because I somehow stood in 
>the way,

Your attitude and actions on this list have driven away very knowledgable 
technicians.  Even a technical editor of the Journal left for a long 
time.  You still don't think that technical discussion has been 

=>OK, Mr. William Bremmer, RPT, here's the shot:

You say that 90% don't tune ET when they think they do, right?

-What if somehow a location could be found and many tuners (RPT or 
equivalent) brought in?
-What if these tuners could all take their turn at tuning a temperament 
(ET) on the same instrument? (eliminates many variables)
-What if the results could be tabulated impartially?
-Would you like that?

What would you say if I tell you that I can arrange just such a venue, and 
not very far from your home, either??

How about:
         April 12-14, 2002
         Rochester, Minnesota
         Central West Regional Seminar.

I just happen to be the class/instructor coordinator for the host chapter 
(Minnesota/North Iowa #551).  I could make it happen, IF I were assured 
that you wouldn't pull out at the last minute.  You might even be able to 
teach a class on that temperament nobody else can do. Actually, I could 
make it happen even if you threw another _____ fit and _didn't_ show, just 
YOU would never believe the results.

>OK, Ola, let's see how many of the now famous Baloney Bunch, the remnants of
>that erstwhile tame and civil group that lived in such blissful harmony
>before *I* came along will write something worth reading and worth putting in
>the archives.  I know each one of them can do it and I do respect their
>opinions which often concur with mine.

OK, Ola.  You you've just heard from a charter member of the Baloney 
Bunch.  The ball is in Bill's court now.

>As for the many posts that were never written because I somehow stood in 
>the way,

Your philosophy as quoted from 10/23/00:

>As the old skit on Johnny Carson used to say, "Believe it, or STUFF it!"
>Bill Bremmer RPT
>Madison, Wisconsin

I don't believe it just because YOU say it, Bill.  I prefer impartial, 
dispassionate facts.

Just the facts, Ma'am. Just the facts.  -Sgt. Friday

RPT Conrad

Conrad Hoffsommer - Music Technician -mailto:hoffsoco@luther.edu
Luther College, 700 College Drive, Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
Voice-(319)-387-1204  //  Fax (319)-387-1076(Dept.office)

Education is the best defense against the media.

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