When to do it

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 13:15:06 +0100

Just a little side questioning to all this pondering..

Which of the two materials is most likely to be affected by humidity in this

Action felt,  or the wood componets ? And which of these two is likely to be
affected most evenly ?

Just pondereing further... :)

Ron Nossaman wrote:

> I expect you would, if it were there, and I would think that reasonably
> rules out balance rail (alone) movement. Keith verified the minimal capstan
> height change with balance rail movement, so that seems reasonable enough
> to me. What's that leave? If the hammer rest rail hasn't moved, that leaves
> any combination of keybed warp, key frame warp, and/or back rail cloth
> dimensional change, or key thickness, wippen pad,  and/or butt
> leather/cloth changing with humidity. Well, now we know something it's
> probably not, so what else can we look at? If the action has more than the
> two end brackets and is supported in the middle of the keybed somewhere,
> the middle bracket(s) wouldn't be sitting on the posts if the keybed had
> sunk (capstans too low), and the action relationship to the keybed wouldn't
> change much if the keybed rose (capstans won't get too high), since the
> action would either keep it from rising, or go up with it. If it only has
> the end brackets, that doesn't tell us anything. Some appropriate
> measurements at humidity extremes should tell you either what else it's
> not, or what it is. Either way, you'll eventually run out of things it's
> measurably not, leaving what it most probably is.
> Sorry, that's not really an answer, but it's a start on a kit. It's the
> best I can do. There's just a little  more assembly required.
> Ron N

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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