SV: Research: leather covered hammers

Diane Hofstetter
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 22:19:00 -0900


  I appreciate your offer to find out about leather for hammers!  When the 
holidays are over and time is a little less hectic, that would be excellent. 
  I also have a tannery here that is going to try to find some for me.

Do you have a piano you can try leather on?  Not only do we need the 
leather, but we need pianotechs who can evaluate what effect different kinds 
of leather have on the tone.

Are the Icelandic fireworks so great that you can watch them from Norway?  
Aren't those called the Northern Lights?

Happy New Year!

>In Norway and Iceland you can still find the old sheep breeds the Vikings 
>On Iceland they have not imported sheeps in 1000years!
>The Icelandic sheep still have the wool sailmakers want for making old kind 
>of wool sails that doesn't take water.
>You can use an Icelandic wool sweaters in the rain like you could in the 
>old days because it doesn't take water, so the skin has to be old style to. 
>The sheeps has to have good skin there to survive in the mountains.
>We have also Reindeer (and Deer) and they are living wild so they bred as 
>they like.
>As for tanning I'm sure I can find a tanner using old technic.
>If I don't there has to be somebody in Ireland.
>It could also be cheaper to do it in Ireland.
>They may also have old breeds of sheep.
>Do you want me to find information about this and how much skin do you need 
>for a set of hammers?
>Iceland also have the best New year Firework in the whole world.
>Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody
>Ola Andersson
>Bergen, Norway

Diane Hofstetter
245-M Mount Hermon Rd.#343
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
ph  831-438-6222
fax 831-430-9741

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