Rattling their Cage

Kevin E. Ramsey RPT ramsey@extremezone.com
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 21:50:20 -0800

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This is interesting,,,, on the one hand, a devil,,,,,, and on the other, an
Kevin E. Ramsey, R.P.T
"When all you have is a hammer,
pretty soon everything looks like a tuning pin."
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Billbrpt@AOL.COM
  To: pianotech@ptg.org
  Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2000 8:14 PM
  Subject: Rattling their Cage

  Well, after another long, hard day's work and an evening at the gym, I see
  what could easily have been predicted.  The same bunch, the same
  You see, I merely provide the catalyst for getting them to spout off, in
  greater detail than I have ever seen any of them write a technical post,
  about that one guy they just wish would go away.  Horace is as free to
  on the List, provide technical information, quote poetry or philosophy to
  underscore it as anyone.  I'd like to see something of real value, just

  As for the many posts that were never written because I somehow stood in
  way, how about the ones that were never written because the List is too
  of off topic discussion, one liners, personal notes, etc., (that I never
  anything to do with) for any serious minded tech to be interested in

  I'd like to see all of those that took the time to vent their hatred,
  and frustration with me and my *behavior* to write some kind of opinion
  tuning hammer styles (a subject in this month's Journal) and methods of
  operating one.  There is more than one person who has currently asked
  this topic and I'm sure there are others who have questions.

  It is a classic example of a topic where you will get opinions from the
  best technicians that will seem to contradict each other.  I believe the
  way for any individual to sort this kind of contradictory information out
  to be able to read as many opinions with details as possible.  And I don't
  mean one liners like, "I'm a Jerk tuner, the ladies love it".

  OK, Ola, let's see how many of the now famous Baloney Bunch, the remnants
  that erstwhile tame and civil group that lived in such blissful harmony
  before *I* came along will write something worth reading and worth putting
  the archives.  I know each one of them can do it and I do respect their
  opinions which often concur with mine.  I don't "attack" them if they
  from mine.  It is and always has been the HT controversy that that has
  inflammatory in and of itself.  This, in spite of repeated denials.  In
  back of their minds, it is *always* the "Oh him again, the one who does
  *that*!"  It colors their perception and raises the most deep seated
  mechanisms every time.

  But the idea is not going away, nor am I.

  Bill Bremmer RPT
  Madison, Wisconsin

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