When to do it

Clark A Sprague clarks11628@juno.com
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 21:14:53 -0500

List,  I see new Yamaha uprights almost daily, and they are all adjusted
to the less than none lost motion standard.  It was good to hear Ron N's
suggestion about the hammer rail props, because I will undoubtedly be
seeing them again when the lost motion needs to be adjusted.  Still, they
are a darn sight more fun to prep than the new Baldwin's, which I
frustrated over all day today.  A 248 with a ringing C5, that I could not
find the source of the ringing (I think it's somewhere in the backscale,
but I couldn't find it), a keybed screw completely missing, an Accu-just
hitch pin jammed under one bottom edge of the plate,  strings jammed
together to make the dampers work, etc!  Fun,fun,fun!
Clark Sprague
Associate Member (hopefully not for much longer)

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