SV: Not again! (OT)

Susan Kline
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 09:04:45 -0800

Dear Ola,

I believe that what you haven't realized is how many wonderful posts would 
have been written to pianotech which never were, because Mr. Bremmer 
attacked those who would have written them.

The archives can show you what happened, though it would take some 
diligence to ferret it all out.

As to those clever, colorful posts written by the brilliant Mr. Bremmer -- 
there is another  problem with what you are saying. The points in Mr. 
Bremmer's posts may not be discussed or questioned, even in the most 
careful and impersonal way, without bringing forth a torrent of abuse. It 
makes for bad science and worse discourse.

It has been proven over and over that self-control is beyond Bill's powers. 
(Look and see ...) Since this list is public, and is officially sponsored 
by the Guild, and since most lists have some procedure in place to assure 
at least minimal civility, I have written once again (after a year of total 
silence on the subject) that we should investigate better ways of running 
this list.


Susan Kline 

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